Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Oh how we miss our beautiful baby boy! I can't believe he should be 5 months old today! He is missed and loved all so much at the same time!!! God you know we look forward to the day when we will see his sweet little face with big beautiful eyes. The pain we feel now will not compare to the joy we will have when we reach Heaven someday!


  1. Blogging is a wonderful way to travel this journey I have found. There are so many other mothers, grandmother and families that are in simalas situations and offer such wonderful support. I have been praying for your family everyday and often I come here during that prayer time to look at Tucker's sweet smiling face and pray.

  2. Hi-I said a prayer for you today. I pray that God will give you peace and strength and the assurance that Tucker is with Him. Carolyn

  3. just came across your blog...thank you for being such an inspiration..finding joy amidst your suffering. i'll say a little prayer for you. your blog is lovely and so are you!


Mommy's Kiss

Mommy's Kiss

6 weeks old

6 weeks old

Big binky!

Big binky!

Mommy's arm hold

Mommy's arm hold

In Mommy's arms

In Mommy's arms

Big Sister's kiss

Big Sister's kiss

Meme's sweet little boy!

Meme's sweet little boy!